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Five things a nifty personal loan
can do for your new home

Buying a home is expensive but it will probably be the best money you ever spend. Still, that doesn’t soften the initial financial blow that can come about from the added costs that you might not have anticipated.

Like transfer fees and duties; FICA fees, posts and petties – never mind a hefty deposit that are all enough to set anyone back.

But, don’t let it bring you down. Here at nifty, the best place to get a nifty personal loan online, you can still get the money you need to add value to your new home, without breaking the bank.

So, here then are five things a small, personal loan can do for your new home, helping build its value without setting you back.

Use a personal loan to bridge a few of the buying costs

Fees, fees, fees! It’s not the last time you’ll hear about them if you’re buying a new home. No doubt, some can be annoyingly expensive so, when it comes to certain costs, separate them to understand them: Can a personal loan help soften the blow? It might.

If so, use a personal loan to your buying advantage!

Use a personal loan to refresh those walls

Any house will grow in value and appeal with a fresh paint job – but, giving it a colourful (or plain) makeover can be expensive. So, why not use a personal loan to give it a new face?

Think carefully about which colours would best add value. Light colours are possibly better when looking to “create” space. Regardless, don’t let shining-up your house dull your budget. Perhaps a personal loan can help, inside and out.

Use a personal loan to refurnish old spaces

Sometimes, all a new home needs is re-energised spaces to give it a fresh, new look. But, that doesn’t have to be overly expensive like redoing the kitchen or bathroom.

In the meantime, how about some modern twists – some fabulous furniture that can spruce up the inside and redefine spaces? No doubt, decorating can also come with its own set of expensive zeroes, so get a head start with a personal loan today.

Use a personal loan to redo those floors

Of all aspects in a home, perhaps the floors speak most to its core value. But, relaying new ones can be expensive. That’s where a personal loan can help!

Consider a personal loan to redo one room at a time to build value over time. Or, perhaps use one to refresh old floors that just need some TLC. Many older, wooden floors can be resuscitated in this this way.

Do some research and find innovative and affordable ways to give floors new life.

Use a personal loan to invest in some greenery

If your new home comes with a garden, perhaps it’s best to use a personal loan to give it some landscaping love.

Indigenous trees are popular and can increase the value of your home over time by adding to its external appeal. Many future buyers, if you decide to sell, will judge your home by the spaces around it – so don’t be shy to get stuck in with green fingers.

No doubt, you will get endless joy making your new home yours. But, after an expensive and tedious purchase, that might be a little difficult. Why not let nifty help? As the leader in small, personal loans, we can help boost your home’s value while keeping your head above water.

Your new home deserves it! So do you.

About nifty
Nifty is powered by smartadvance, a registered credit provider with operations across Africa. Part of the Finclusion Group, nifty uses Artificial intelligence and machine learning to extend credit to customers quickly and simply. It is our goal to help everyone achieve financial health by providing you access to your credit score when you need it, an online overdraft when times are tough, and the educational tools to enlighten and guide you. Through a brand that people trust, a product that is easy to use, state of the art technology and customer insight, we strive to provide a unique experience that helps people take you on a journey of financial health and growth.

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